"Kimberly has impressed me by her spirit of excellence, attention to detail and her seemingly tireless work ethic. Above all that, her kindness, generosity, positive attitude and upbeat nature benefits our Sparrow children and the organization as a whole. I believe many other charity orgainizations have benefitted in similar ways by the gracious, community minded spirit of Kimberly." ~Jeff Leeland, Founder, National Board Member and Former Executive Director of Sparrow Clubs USA

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Proceeds of Book Sales go to Support Sparrow Clubs

Go to www.sparrowclubs.org to order singed copies by Jeff Leeland author and founder of Sparrow Clubs. These are amazing books!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sparrow Club Event

At a Sparrow Clubs USA fund raiser with Tamie Farrell, former Miss Oregon USA and Miss Teen USA.