"Kimberly has impressed me by her spirit of excellence, attention to detail and her seemingly tireless work ethic. Above all that, her kindness, generosity, positive attitude and upbeat nature benefits our Sparrow children and the organization as a whole. I believe many other charity orgainizations have benefitted in similar ways by the gracious, community minded spirit of Kimberly." ~Jeff Leeland, Founder, National Board Member and Former Executive Director of Sparrow Clubs USA

Saturday, March 6, 2010

An Overview Of How Sparrow Clubs Works

Sparrow Clubs works by matching a child in medical crisis with a school or similar organization. Sparrow Clubs finds a sponsor to provide funds for the child. The school is introduced to their Sparrow Child and the program through a customized assembly. Each and every child in the school is challenged to do community service and help the Sparrow Child. They record their hours and turn them into to the school. For every hour of community service a child completes, the Sparrow receives $10. This really adds up! Schools can also do their own fund raisers to supply additional funds.

The kids that help are empowered to make a difference. They feel good about themselves because they are helping others. Many times a child has never done community service, never helped another person and it is a new and wonderful feeling. I've found in high schools that sometimes the least likely child to help another, is the one that helps the most. I've had kids that are very poor, be so touched by the Sparrow Child and their battle to stay alive, that they've tried to hand me their lunch money after an assembly. I'm always moved to tears when these things happen. When kids are given heroic things to do ~ they will do heroic things!

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