"Kimberly has impressed me by her spirit of excellence, attention to detail and her seemingly tireless work ethic. Above all that, her kindness, generosity, positive attitude and upbeat nature benefits our Sparrow children and the organization as a whole. I believe many other charity orgainizations have benefitted in similar ways by the gracious, community minded spirit of Kimberly." ~Jeff Leeland, Founder, National Board Member and Former Executive Director of Sparrow Clubs USA

Monday, June 21, 2010

High School Sparrow Assembly!

I am pictured here with a Sparrow Child and his Family at a high school introduction
assembly. It is very emotional for the family and students when a Sparrow Child is presented to the whole student body. At the end of an assembly we ask the the students to stand if they are willing to help this child. I've never seen a student not stand and more likely than not, there is not a dry eye in the house (yes, that includes the jocks!). 3,000 kids stood in support of this child and the school raised over $30,000 in just a few short weeks to help with his cancer treatment.

We are inspiring a new generation of youth who give back to their communities all while helping children in need. I am so honored to work with this organization.

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